Unraveling the complexities of human health requires models and tools that closely mirror human physiology.
Microphysiological Systems (MPS) represent a transformative approach to culturing and studying human tissues under conditions that closely mimic the natural physiological environment. MPS technology facilitates the replication of biochemical, electrical, and mechanical responses essential for accurately simulating in vivo conditions and allows for the precise modeling of specific properties intrinsic to tissue function and disease states. The Hopkins Center for MPS is dedicated to fostering collaboration and providing cutting-edge technologies to our vibrant MPS research community.
Space Travel May Not Be Healthy for Heart Muscle
WEDNESDAY, Sept. 25, 2024 (HealthDay News) -- Long-term space travel to Mars could be bad for astronauts’ hearts, a new zero-gravity study shows.
Inaugural Hopkins Microphysiological Systems Symposium
Join us for the 2023 Inaugural JHU MPS Center Symposium!
The Cancer Moonshot, the role of in vitromodels, model accuracy, and the needfor validation
Latest in body art? ‘Tattoos’ for individual cells
New technology involving dots and wires adhering to live cells could some day provide early warnings for health problems
Johns Hopkins scientists study aging and heart disease by sending heart “tissue-on-a-chip” to space
"Human aging is very difficult to study because it takes a long time to see if any therapeutics make an impact," says Deok-Ho Kim, a professor of biomedical engineering. But, he notes, in a low-gravity environment where cardiovascular dysfunction occurs much more quickly, its progression can be closely monitored.
New course offers study of emerging field of microphysiologial systems
The course, designed by Deok-Ho Kim, focuses on microphysiological systems, which are used to study human disease, drug development, and precision medicine
Intelligence in a dish: Hopkins researchers advance biocomputing
Hopkins researchers have developed the concept of organoid intelligence, utilizing brain organoids to create faster and more-efficient computers.
Could future computers run on human brain cells?
Johns Hopkins researchers tout the promise of 'organoid intelligence,' which could one-day yield computers that are faster, more efficient, and more powerful than silicon-based computing and AI